Pretty exciting stuff! I got an email from the producer of Out N About Columbus wanting to do a segment on me and my business! She found me at a local craft show I was attending and thought I'd be a great feature for their "Shop Local, Shop Small" segment. I decided to go for it!
I can talk about this business all day long.... how I started, how COVID impacted it, how I have grown and evolved and keep listening to customers needs and requests for more than 4 YEARS (howwww it's been that long is beyond me) but the minute you stick 2 large spotlights in my face along with a huge camera and 2 people staring at me that I just met 5 minutes prior... forget about it! So I had to do a few "takes" but the producer told me I did really well. (some other person did 21 takes, so I guess I'm happy with my 2 or 3!)
It was raining that day, so hair day was not my best. And I had no input into which pictures they chose/used. (They told me to send in whatever.... so I sent in a BUNCH) But overall, I was pleased with it!
What do you think?